Tuesday, December 14, 2010

In Case You Didn't Know...

Jake is our Ward Troop's Scout Master. It is a life long dream of his to spend many hours each month corralling, encouraging, and camping with adolescent boys. Haha! Just kidding! But he puts on a smile and gives it his all anyway!

Truthfully, he does give it all he's got and has great aspirations for Troop 267. Below is a picture of their second Court of Honor. Almost all of the Scouts reached 1st Class this summer, which was a Troop goal. This weekend he will be camping out in the freezing cold with them. I shudder to think of it.

1 comment:

  1. whaou beaux les scouts !! allez prenez pas froid sinon les parents seront sur les dents pour vous soignez hihihi salut les tits loups
