Thursday, October 29, 2009


Kaitlyn officially loves, "Pumpkin!"s. She shouts this phrase anytime she sees them and she counts the 2 we have on our porch every time we walk past.

Since we live in hot and humid Florida, we carved our "Pumpkin!" today in hopes that it will survive until Halloween. Here are the before and afters:

Not too horrible for having not done this in a decade.
Also, this was Kaitlyn's "Pumpkin!" carving outfit, a John Deer t-shirt and a tutu... classic. (She had recently woken up from a nap. Hence the glare full of contempt.)

Images for a Cure

Recently, a family friend was diagnosed with Breast Cancer. So, when some friends of hers organized an event in honor of those who have been diagnosed with this disease... we were totally up for it!

A talented local photographer, Crystal Balazik, and make-up artist, Jodi Anderson, decided to participate with the program "Images for a Cure" and set a date to raise some moola! Sunday, October 25th was dedicated to raising funds for Breast Cancer Research. Crystal and Jodi offered their services for an exceedingly small fee that was donated to the program.

So, Kaitlyn and I (as well as all of my immediate female family) showed up to get our faces painted and our pictures took!

Kaitlyn was very happy to learn that people had brought their puppies. She spent her time chasing them around while Mommy had her make-up done.

My sister Rebekah is the fashionista in the family and was totally happy to be pampered with professional make-up and photographs.

Kaitlyn terrorizing Buddy.

Then, out we went for some Mommy-Daughter photos!

(There will be more pictures to post soon.
We took some more shots with my Mom and sisters!)

After all of the picture taking, we'd worked up an appetite and descended upon all of the yummy refreshments generously made and donated by participants of the event!

After all was said and done, we had such a good time raising money for this exceptional cause and can't wait to participate again next year! Thanks Crystal and Jodi!