We have made it to the end of July in one piece! Woo Hoo!
Here is a brief summary of this month's events:
We started the month off with Kaitlyn's 3rd Birthday Party. It was a ton of fun! (Thanks to all those who participated!) Due to the insane heat of Florida during the summer, a pool party was a must. Kaitlyn swam a total of 8 hours that day. That girl loves the water.
We had a "Cars meets Toy Story" theme. Kaitlyn loves those movies. She made off with quite the haul that day due to all of our uber generous family and friends. We had a cupcake tree for her to blow out candles, but apparently that doesn't count as a cake because she keeps reminding us that she didn't have a birthday cake. Never mind the hours Mommy spent making seventy something cupcakes. Sigh.
In Baby News, Zachary started scooting like a mad man in June and has become a pro at sitting up. As of yesterday, he has started crawling on his hands and knees occasionally. Below is a picture of how I often find him after his naps. Look at that face!
Once we reached the middle of the month, it was time to celebrate Jake's 32nd Birthday with some apple cake and bowling!
As you can see, he could hardly contain himself.
This was Katie's second trip to a bowling alley. The first trip resulted in her attempting to bolt down the lane and slamming down, head first, onto the hardwood. This visit was much more successful. The only tears came when it was time to leave.
She made sure to give everyone a high-five after each of their turns, no matter if it was a gutter ball or strike.
Katie loved when it was her turn, even though she almost always got a gutter. She would shout, "I win! I win!"
Since Zachary has become such a pro at sitting up, it was time to move from the kitchen sink, to the bathtub with his big sister!
Zack loves it! I often find him crawling to the bathroom.
He wants to spend all of his time in the tub!
Here are some shots of him scooting around. He is just so adorable and always smiling...
One night last week I went out to run an errand. This was the angelic face awaiting me when I returned home.
He was so out he didn't even flinch from the camera flashes.
But here are some more of the Pudgers, playing with his favorite toy, his sister's Mac truck.
He is such a stinker. But how can you fuss at that sweet face?!
Last week we went to Anna Maria to leech off of a friend and her beach rental. It was a beautiful beach day. I, of course, left my camera in the bag at the condo instead of taking it with me to the beach, so I have no pictures to share. Zack didn't love the noise and waves of the ocean, but he loved wading in the pool. I am guessing it reminded him of bath time. Kaitlyn also preferred the pool to the beach that day. She has become a pretty good swimmer and insisted on jumping in the pool and swimming from one side to the other with help from her Grammie.
Yesterday was my 27th birthday. Jake and I celebrated it Saturday by going to dinner and a movie. We saw "Despicable Me". Two thumbs way, WAY up! It was fantastic! Super funny and super sweet.

We then went to one of my favorite places that we don't get to go to often because it is on the other side of Tampa. It is called TooJay's Deli, and they have the best chocolate layer cake and brisket dip. Yum! Jake's mom spoiled me yesterday with a delicious flank steak, crashed hot potatoes, strawberry mandarin salad, and chocolate molten lava cakes.
I have decided, I am going on a diet and starting an exercise regime.
Yesterday was my 27th birthday. Jake and I celebrated it Saturday by going to dinner and a movie. We saw "Despicable Me". Two thumbs way, WAY up! It was fantastic! Super funny and super sweet.

We then went to one of my favorite places that we don't get to go to often because it is on the other side of Tampa. It is called TooJay's Deli, and they have the best chocolate layer cake and brisket dip. Yum! Jake's mom spoiled me yesterday with a delicious flank steak, crashed hot potatoes, strawberry mandarin salad, and chocolate molten lava cakes.
I have decided, I am going on a diet and starting an exercise regime.